Suniel Shetty, the veteran Bollywood actor, recently opened up with immense pride and joy about his son-in-law KL Rahul’s remarkable comeback to cricket, specifically highlighting his stellar performance in the World Cup 2023. From the lows of the past year to the highs of the recent Asia Cup and World Cup, KL Rahul has indeed turned the tide, earning admiration not only as a cricketer but also as a beloved family member.
Shetty expressed his happiness and pride as a father-in-law, emphasizing how KL Rahul‘s resilience and determination have propelled him forward after a challenging phase in his cricketing career. The Indian cricketer, who faced a lean period, marked his resurgence earlier in September during the Asia Cup, and since then, he has continued to impress, leaving cricket enthusiasts elated.
Reflecting on Rahul’s journey, Shetty spoke about the intrinsic qualities that set him apart. “Good deeds never go unnoticed, even if you try everything to run a person down,” Shetty remarked. He highlighted Rahul’s fire, commitment, discipline, and consistency, underlining his innate drive to achieve greatness on the cricket field. Shetty also pointed out Rahul’s generous nature, emphasizing the importance of the “art of giving” in shaping one’s life.
“As for Rahul, I have been a fan since he was a cricketer, and today, when he’s a son, not even my son-in-law, I still am a fan,” Shetty declared, showcasing the enduring admiration he holds for KL Rahul. This sentiment goes beyond the cricketing prowess, transcending into the familial bond they share.
Describing his relationship with KL Rahul as unbelievable, Shetty expressed how he often tells his daughter, Athiya Shetty, that she is truly blessed to have Rahul as her life partner. This goes beyond the realms of a conventional father-in-law relationship, reflecting a deep connection built on mutual respect and understanding. “And she believes it too,” Shetty added, underscoring the genuine affection between the family members.
KL Rahul’s spectacular performance in the World Cup 2023 has been a testament to his skill and resilience. Amassing 347 runs in nine matches, he showcased his batting prowess and played a pivotal role in India’s campaign. In a standout moment against Netherlands, Rahul etched his name in history by smashing India’s fastest-ever World Cup century, surpassing the record set by the illustrious Rohit Sharma.
Switching gears to the film industry, Suniel Shetty also provided insights into his upcoming projects. He mentioned the commencement of shooting for the new chapter of the popular franchise “Welcome” and the much-anticipated “Hera Phera 3.” Shetty expressed his enthusiasm about how these franchises are bringing together yesteryear stars, evoking nostalgia and creating a sense of continuity for the audience.
In a poignant moment, Shetty acknowledged the absence of the late Om Puri, a pivotal part of the “Hera Phera” franchise. He spoke about how characters like Khadak Singh were as important as the iconic trio of Raju, Shyam, and Babu Bhaiya, emphasizing the impact these characters had in making audiences laugh and cry, and ultimately bringing families together. Shetty acknowledged that Om Puri would be dearly missed during the filming process, underscoring the irreplaceable void left by the legendary actor.
Suniel Shetty’s words not only celebrate KL Rahul’s triumphs on the cricket field but also provide a glimpse into the warmth and camaraderie within the family. From being a fan of Rahul’s cricketing skills to expressing gratitude for his role as a son in the family, Shetty’s words resonate with genuine admiration and affection. As KL Rahul continues to shine in the world of cricket, he does so not just as a sportsman but as a cherished member of the Shetty family, proving that bonds forged in success and adversity are the ones that endure.